Send all correspondence to:
590 Feuz Rd
Schenectady NY 12306
For questions about membership or for a current member to change contact information, please e-mail
The website is for reference only. The content is subject to change. Club Rules and Calendar of Events are posted at the Club. E-mail the webmaster if there are any corrections to be made to the website.
General rules--all ranges
For all firearm types
General rules – all ranges
This is a COLD Club!
No loaded firearms are allowed on the property unless you are on the firing line. No exceptions regardless of permit status!
All firearms must be unloaded except when actually on the firing line or position. This is known as a cold range policy.
All firearms must be kept pointed in a safe direction at all times. Handle all firearms as if loaded.
Be safe: eye and ear protection required on all firearm ranges, including on-range spectators (indoor range).
Orders of a range officer must be obeyed – they are not open for debate.
Hours of use: Regardless of normal hours of use of the facility, do not shoot on any range unless you can clearly see the background as well as the target. Dawn and Dusk are the ends of safe shooting light outdoors.
Sign-in: Everyone shooting must sign in with their name, firearm type or archery range, and any other requested information,.
Special rules may be posted at the range, read and obey them.
Indoor Range
Be safe: Eye and ear protection required for shooters and on-range spectators or officials; no fast draw. No one without a pistol permit may handle or fire any handgun.
If you hit the ceiling or anything (such as wood framing) outside the target area, fill out an incident report and slide it under the office door, so any needed repairs can be made.
No jacketed bullets, no rifles other than 22 rimfire (not magnum).
No broadhead arrows on the indoor range.
Archery targets and other targets are not to be used with firearms.
Turn off all fans and lights when you leave.
Available at all times, however, please see the calendar for scheduled activities.
Outdoor firearm ranges – other than clay bird
Be safe: if multiple ranges are in use, all ranges should be in a “clear” condition before going down range to change targets. That includes trap and skeet.
All rifles and shotguns with slugs must be fired through the blockhouse.
Use the target frames provided, attach your target so you don't shoot up the frame, and put them away when done. Paper targets only unless approved by the Chief Range Officer.
The smallbore range (under the baffles) is for smallbore 22 only!
Available 8:00 am to dusk.
Trap and Skeet
Shotgun only, shot no larger than 7-1/2, no loads other than shot (like slugs or tracers).
Trap and Skeet equipment may be operated only by those trained to use it safely and correctly, and approved to do so by the Chief Range Officer or board.
Available 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, lights must be on at dusk to assure safe operation. Turn them off when done!
Broadhead arrows are only to be used on targets that you provide. Do not use broadhead arrows on the club targets. Crossbows can be used with the club targets as long as you are not using broadhead tips.
Available dawn to dusk.
"Promoting safe participation in the firearms, archery and the shooting sports since 1924"